Stamp Stamp is an app which allows a reward after a defined
number of purchases from certain restaurants or food industries.
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Nowadays, there are plenty of restaurants that exist in this world. Customers always have lots of choices to decide where to eat. For the restaurants, how to engage customers to come again is always a big challenge for them. Sometimes, it does not only depend on the food they made but also depends on the discounts or special events they provided. Therefore, Stamp Stamp can help the restaurant to engage the customers to come again with its stamp collecting system which allows a reward after a defined number of purchases from certain restaurants.
Nowadays, there are plenty of restaurants that exist in this world. Customers always have lots of choices to decide where to eat. For the restaurants, how to engage customers to come again is always a big challenge for them. Sometimes, it does not only depend on the food they made but also depends on the discounts or special events they provided. Therefore, Stamp Stamp can help the restaurant to engage the customers to come again with its stamp collecting system which allows a reward after a defined number of purchases from certain restaurants.
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Stamp Stamp will show you which restaurants provide the reward system. You can use it to collect number of times that you have been to the certain restaurants
by scaning the code from the receipt.
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Everytime you collect stamps will show on your profile. You can check how many stamps you already had and how many you still need to get.
Everytime you collect stamps will show on your profile. You can check how many stamps you already had and how many you still need to get.